Employer Relations Workforce Wellness Program
Bayshore Medical Center and East Houston Regional Medical Center are committed to providing employers in our community with excellent care and personal services every time you or your employees have to visit our hospitals. We understand how important it is for employers to have healthy and productive employees.

A Healthier Workforce, A More Profitable Business
Healthcare for your workforce is becoming increasingly complicated and expensive. At the same time, it's becoming more and more challenging for your employees to maintain a healthy and productive lifestyle. That's why we, your local provider, are introducing OneCommunity.

Employer Relations Functional Capacity Assessment
At Bayshore Medical Center and East Houston Regional Medical Center we understand that worker's compensation claims, particularly back injuries, impact not only the State Worker's compensation System, but can also cripple a company by increasing insurance costs, adding to lost days, and stretching thin those workers onsite - resulting in even higher risk for injury. That is why we take pride in providing Functional Capacity Assessments (FCA).